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What Can I Learn at A Fitness Camp?

What Can I Learn At Fitness Camp?

Fitness camp is about more than just going on a vacation and coming back lighter. It’s an opportunity to learn the skills and information you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

Personalized Approached

On daytime health and wellness shows and internet ads you will routinely hear, “This one thing is the key to weight loss.” However, the truth is that there is no one secret to losing weight. Everyone is different and a personalized approach to losing weight is an essential component for success. 


A fitness camp like the Extreme Weight Loss Program at Live in Fitness begins with testing and interviews designed to get a picture of your goals, personality, and physical condition. A personalized plan is then created for your specific needs and preferences.


Following fitness programs that are “one-size-fits-all” often end in failure for one reason or another. Maybe it is difficult to stick to because it doesn’t recognize your behavioral uniqueness or maybe you aren’t seeing the results you want because it’s not tailored to your goals.

Accountability is Key

Working out at home with a video program can be good if you manage to stick with it, but that’s easier said than done. Life gets in the way. Work makes you too tired so you skip a day. 


You have a strong craving for a chocolate glazed donut so you decide to have a cheat day. Before you know it, you’re back to old habits. In any given moment, you are going to do what you want most and if nobody is there to encourage you, it’s difficult to stick to a fitness program.


At a fitness camp, you eat and exercise alongside peers with the same goals and professionals who know how to help you meet those goals. This clearly demonstrates the importance of accountability in weight loss and fitness in general. Once you complete the camp, you can take those principles and apply them at home. Work out with a friend or spouse. Find a gym buddy with similar goals.

Nutrition and Exercise Work Together

At the most basic level, nutrition is how calories come in and exercise is how they go out.  Paying attention to both is the best way to achieve your fitness goals. However, there is more to it than that. 


Exercise puts a strain on your body and drains you of energy but the right foods can answer the new demand for energy. The right nutrition plan can improve bone, muscle, and joint health to reduce the chance of injury. 


Heart healthy food can keep your cardiovascular system free from heart disease. If you really want to get into nutritional science, you can try foods that promote balanced brain chemistry to keep you focused and positive about your fitness goals.

How to Continue at Home

By learning about what fitness techniques work for you, the importance of a support system, and how diet and exercise work together, you can take the same ideas home with you. A good fitness camp will not only help you work towards your goals while you’re there, they will give you what you need to continue toward your goals.

Ready to transform your life? Call us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! Our team is eager to support your journey to wellness. Don’t wait, start your transformation now!

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