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Weight loss spa and your Mind


Weight Loss Spa you Sweat…just don’t sweat the small stuff

Quincy Martel, MA, Life Coach

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For years at our weight loss spa, we continually teach that Sweating is good therapy. There is a multitude of research on how exercise helps exorcise negativity, anxiety, and depression and replace it with positive medical and psychological benefits.


When beginning a new regime and lifestyle change, such as implementing lifestyle changes that include a well-balanced diet and exercise, it’s important to keep things in perspective. Realistic and attainable goals are important.


Rome wasn’t built in one day and the bad habits that contributed to weight gain didn’t happen overnight. It was a process… possibly a vicious cycle that led to unbalanced lifestyle choices. Just don’t sweat over and obsess about the small stuff.


The hardest thing we continue to teach at our weight loss spa is letting negativity and obsessive thinking into the regime may be a potential roadblock and a distraction for an individual who is attempting a positive change.


Instead of being preoccupied with how much weight you need to lose, HR monitors, watches, and deadlines (small stuff) …focus on the small victories like more flexibility, more endurance, looser clothing, or more energy.


Instead of focusing or obsessing on the amount you’ve lost or gained in one day, whether level 3 is hit… calories burned per minute… look at the weight loss commitment over time. Refocus on the why.

Why do you want to change and what goals you want to pursue? The commitment and investment for health and wellness is a process and takes time.


I encourage you to keep moving and keep exercising and trust in your program. Health, fitness, and wellness are like any investment. You get out what you put in and receive the benefits and that takes time.


When dealing with the short term, I encourage you not to be concerned about 1 day’s numbers losses or gains relax and stick to your plan. I encourage you not to let the tools such as watches and numbers be a distraction.


Give your program time and see what happens in a week or two. Again, you didn’t get to where you are overnight with unhealthy, unbalanced lifestyle choices. The health and wellness process, investment, and commitment take time, discipline patience.


It’s important to set realistic goals. With any goal, there is a mental volition. A person has to want the goal and come up with a plan. There are times when a plan may be adjusted to complete the goal.


Flexibility like forgiveness may help one bend back from disappointment and empower an individual to stay the course of the goal. Much like the idea of running a marathon without training to run one mile.


It’s important to make realistic and systematic goals…train for the mile first rather than be overwhelmed or possibly get hurt by setting unrealistic goals.


Encourage you not to treat exercise like a chore. It’s ideal to find joy in the process and make the investment fun and exciting. This is your investment towards a bright and healthy future.

If you’re inspired to take the first step towards transforming your life, reaching your fitness and weight loss goals, and unlocking the power of positive visualization, we’re here to help.


Contact us today to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s work together to turn your visions into reality. We’re ready to support you every step of the way.


Don’t wait for tomorrow—reach out now and let’s make your dream self a reality!


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