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People with a void personality type are easily discouraged and fall back on bad habits. If you scored high in the void category, you feel empty and lacking – but are resigned to feeling this way. A “void” is literally a blank space where nothing exists – and since nature abhors a vacuum, you try to fill the emptiness with distractions, addictions, or compulsions. You take up expensive hobbies, run up your credit cards, eat, drink, and indulge in many ways, shapes, and forms – all in a vain attempt to fill up the emptiness you feel inside.
Workshop 1 – Who You Are: While many people feel a sense of emptiness from time time, the void experiences this inner vacuum on a consistent basis…and believes there’s no way to change the situation. The void is resigned to a lack of fulfillment and tries to fill the emptiness with material things.
Why You’re That Way: Many people in the void category did not experience emotional closeness as children and learned to cope by turning off or burying their feelings. When these feelings try to surface, the void looks for ways to make them go underground again, possibly by engaging in distractions, hobbies, or by overeating.
Characteristics of a Void:
Easily discouraged
Sense of emptiness
Lack of fulfillment
- What areas of your life have you excelled or been successful having this trait?
- What areas of you or your life has this trait not served you as well?
- Has it affected your health & lifestyle? Your happiness?
Workshop 2 – How You Feel: The void tries not to feel and engages in a variety of activities (e.g. shopping, overeating, drinking) to keep the feelings under the surface.
- With this personality trait, do you expect the same of others, loved ones?
- Has this skewed your judgment towards others if they do not measure up?
- How would you like to see yourself differently?
- Has is affected your health & lifestyle? Your happiness?
Workshop 3 – Relationships/Family: Because of the void’s feelings of inner emptiness, it is difficult for this personality type to develop close relationships. While you’re fairly easygoing and non-confrontational, you don’t get too close to anyone. You don’t expect much of other people and rarely find it.
- How has this affected you?
- What have you missed out on by having this trait?
- What is important to you at the end of the day?
- If you look back at your life would you feel fulfilled
Workshop 4 – Watch Out For: When you embark on a weight loss and fitness program, you need to be prepared for buried feelings that will start to surface. Be ready and willing to spend time caring for yourself and learning to observe your feelings.
Recommendations: Your success will depend on finding a purpose in the fitness regimen. Participating in team sports will provide a sense of meaning and allow you to feel part of something bigger than yourself.
List some realistic goals that are important to you with a realistic timeline or timeframe