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‘Client of the Week’ Sam Lost 8 Lbs in Her First Week!!


Be Inspired to choose your destiny in life.

Congratulations to Sam, our Live In Fitness ‘Client of the Week’ who lost 8 lbs in her first week!!


Sam chose an 8 week program with Live In Fitness, but her success story is more of a LIF Journey and a path that has just begun. Sam is currently a full-time student who also works with children who have mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. 


Sam is from Kansas City and grew up with a lot of turmoil and pain in her teenage years, causing her to internalize her emotions.


Like many, she found comfort in food by emotional eating, to fill something she could not seem to find in her everyday life. Her mother was tragically murdered when she was 15, leaving her world turned upside down.


Sam had always enjoyed sports, riding, and was undefeated in her national tennis tournaments. At 25 she was ready to turn her life around.


Whilst attending a fitness camp she met Judy, who became her mentor, her guidance, a voice of reason and wisdom. They has such an instant bond and connection, Judy later went on to adopt Sam and her life path changed forever.


Sam turned 30 whilst here at the Live In Fitness Program. She missed out on her adolescent life experiences, but she was going to make sure her 30’s were about her and what she could achieve. She was tired of not fitting into the seats at amusement parks. 


She was ready to make her lifestyle change and came to LIF with Judy and family friend Susan to learn, re-educate, and make it happen. She realized it was easier to be negative than have a positive attitude. The fear of failure or a sense of not being worthy were thoughts of the past.


Sam Live In Fitness


When asked why did you choose Live In Fitness?


I came to LIF as a safe place to reset. I have been on countless diets but lacked the motivation to follow through, ultimately allowing the temptations of life to win. It’s my time. At Live In Fitness I am given a specific meal plan and guide and am with like minded people all trying to better their lives. 


I knew the expectations and appreciated the accountability. The coaches and staff are invested in me and the goals I strive to achieve. I have displayed every emotion from sadness to happiness and realize it’s OK. I feel a difference in my body even after a short time. I can run a little faster, lift heavier and I weigh less.


When asked, what have you enjoyed the most at Live In Fitness?

I enjoy the classes and am inspired by the Coaches. The classes are challenging and the staff are very knowledgeable and are ready to answer any question I may have.


Modifications are given when needed and they know exactly when to push you beyond your potential.


During a lecture, Eric Viskovicz the owner and renowned Life Coach said something that will always resonate with me. “The way you speak to yourself is so, so important. We deserve self validation and respect and we are worth it. “


I have always been hard on myself, seeking out my flaws and tearing myself down. This would lead to self defeat and depression.


The things I would tell myself I would never say to another. After reading Eric’s ‘Power of 4′ LIF Workbook, I have started to work on my emotional triggers and mental state and well being, realizing that I am deserving. I feel empowered and ready.


When asked, what advice would you give others?

Immerse yourself in the program. Attend the classes and always reach out to your coach or team member if your struggling. Taking control and changing your life is hard but your worth it.


My favorite Quote:


“She was unstoppable not because she did not have “Failures” or “Doubts” but because she continued on despite them.”


Sam, you are a courageous, strong, and beautiful young lady who has chosen to live your life to the fullest. By choosing this path of a healthy lifestyle and healthy heart you have opened your world to such opportunity and possibility. We are excited to see what your future holds!

We are all so proud of you!!

Inspired by Sam’s  remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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