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Lost 11.5 LBS & Gained 0.7 LBS in Lean Mass



Congratulation Lars- LIF’s Client of the Week.. he lost 11.5  lbs & gained 0.7 lbs in lean mass in 1 week following the LIF Program

Lars is a Business Developer from Denmark and signed up for 4 weeks of the all-inclusive program. His biggest struggle was finding a healthy balance between work and life balance.  

Finding the time to train and eat was always a constant struggle. He chose Live in Fitness foremost as a destination location. 

Often you have to remove yourself from your current surroundings to make a difference and a change. He also liked the approach to fitness and weight loss that LIF offered. 

Weight was not solely measurable and calculated by the scale but more emphasis on building lean mass. He knew he needed a place where he could be disciplined and accountable.


When asked about the program?

I have enjoyed meeting new people who are like-minded and here for the same reason.  Finding and sharing goals with other clients and coaches makes it easier to keep focused. 

The staff is great with a very positive outlook and is invested in every client reaching their goal even if it physically hurts to go the extra mile.  You get out what you put in….. And I am grateful for the opportunity to better my life.

3 Day Super Workout

Do This  2x a week for 6 weeks

Day1 -Fat Farm Workout


Strength and Sculpting Workout – Full Body (Strength training can always be swapped with a sculpting video or circuit with weights video or band video)

  1. Stretch and Warm Up 5 Min. (Can be swapped out with a stretching video)
  2. Jogging-Treadmill – 45  minutes *(30 is on the website) (Cardio can always be swapped out with your workout videos)
  3. Shoulders- Arnold Dumbbell Press 1 set of 15 (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  4. Chest-Push-Up Wide 1 set of 15 reps (On knees for beginners)
  5. Chest-Incline Dumbbell Press 1 set of 15 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  6. Biceps-Close-Grip Standing Barbell Curl 1 set of 20 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  7. Triceps-Rope-Pushdown 1 set of 20 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  8. Legs-Bodyweight Squat 1 set of 30 reps
  9. Legs-Leg Curl 1 set of 30 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
    1. – Sit on the apparatus with your back against padded back support. Place the back of the lower leg on top of the padded lever. Secure lap pad against thigh just above knees. Grasp handles on lap support. At the Fat Farm, we work Hard.
    2. – Pull the lever to the back of the thighs by flexing the knees. Return the lever until the knees are straight.
    3. – Repeat.
  1. Leg Extensions 1 set of 30 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  2. Legs-Side Lying Leg Lifts (Each leg) 1 set of 30 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
    • – Lying on your side on a mat, have one arm bent and resting underneath your head. Your other arm should be in front of your body palm facing down on the mat.
    • Legs should both be straight, with your bottom leg touching the mat, and your top leg about 1 foot above the bottom leg.
    • 2 Once in this position, bring your bottom leg up off the mat to meet your top leg.
    • 3 Hold for 2 seconds and return both legs together to the mat to complete one rep.
  1. Back-Lat pull down 1 set of 30 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
    • – Sit down on the pulldown seat, feet flat on the floor.
    • You may need to adjust the height of the bar by shortening or lengthening the cable or your seat height.
    • – The bar should be at a height that your outstretched arms can comfortably grasp without you having to leap off the seat too far.
    • – Adjust the knee pad so that the upper thighs are held firmly against the pad. This will assist you when you apply effort to the bar.
    • – For a start, grasp the bar with a wide grip (as shown) with an overhand, knuckles-up grip. Other positions and grips are possible.
  1. Back-Low Pulley Row To Neck 1 sets of 20 reps (Use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  2. Crunches 1 set of 25 reps


Day 2 Fat Farm Workout

  1. Stretch and Warm Up 5 Min. (Can be swapped out with a stretching video)
  2. Elliptical trainer, moderate effort – 45 minutes (Can always be swapped out with video)
  3. Walking/Jogging-Treadmill 15 minutes *at your own pace. 
  4. Butts & Gutts 01 (VIDEO)-Fit Club Tv


Day 3 Fat Farm Workout

Strength and Sculpting – Full Body(Strength training can always be swapped with a sculpting video or circuit with weights video or band video)

  1. Stretch and Warm Up 5 Min (can be swapped out with a stretching video)
  2. Jogging-Treadmill – 45  minutes *(30 is on the website) Cardio can always be swapped out with your workout videos)
  3. Side Lateral Raise 1 set of 20 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  4. Chest-Butterfly 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
  5. Lat Pull Down Reverse or Bicep Grip 1 set of 30 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
    • The underhand close grip lat pull-down is similar to the regular close grip, but the underhand grip means that your biceps are more involved in the exercise. Set up for the underhand close grip lat pull by attaching a small straight bar to the machine (you can use the wide grip bar if you prefer), setting the weight on the stack, and adjusting the knee pad.
    • Grasp the bar with an underhand grip, with your hands around 10-12 inches apart.
    • Sit down on the machine with your arms fully outstretched. This is the starting position.
    • Keeping your back and body straight, slowly pull the weight down to your upper chest.
    • Pause, and then slowly lower the weight back to the start position. Do not let the stack drop.
    • Repeat for desired reps.


  1. Chest- Barbell Incline Bench Press – Medium Grip 1 set of 20 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
  2. Bent Over Rows 1 set of 30 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
    • Bend your knees slightly and bend over the bar with your back straight. Grasp bar with a wide overhand grip.
    • Pull bar to upper waist. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched downward. Repeat.
  1. Biceps-Hammer Curls 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
  2. Triceps-Cable One Arm Tricep Extension 1 set of 20 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
  3. Leg Curl 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
    •  Facing the bench, stand between the bench and lever pads. Lie prone on the bench with knees just beyond the edge of the bench and lower legs under lever pads. Grasp handles.
    • Raise the lever pad to the back of the thighs by flexing the knees. Lower lever pads until knees are straight.
    • Repeat.


  1. Legs-Leg Extensions 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  2. Legs-Bodyweight Walking Lunge 1 set of 30 reps (use an appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions )
  3. Russian Twist 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
  4. Cross-Body Crunch 1 set of 30 reps (use appropriate weight so you struggle on last repetitions)
    • Lie flat on your back and bend your knees about 60 degrees.
    • Keep your feet flat on the floor and place your hands loosely behind your head. This will be your starting position.
    • Now curl up and bring your right elbow and shoulder across your body while bringing your left knee in toward your left shoulder at the same time. Reach with your elbow and try to touch your knee. Exhale as you perform this movement. Tip: Try to bring your shoulder up towards your knee rather than just your elbow and remember that the key is to contract the abs as you perform the movement; not just to move the elbow.
    • Now go back down to the starting position as you inhale and repeat with the left elbow and the right knee.
    • Continue alternating in this manner until all prescribed repetitions are done.

Inspired by Lars’s remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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