You Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Goals In One Step
If you believe that this is just another promise about your weight loss that can’t possibly true, you’re partially right. You can’t shed all those pounds with just one step any more than you can have successful, long-term weight loss by buying a machine you see on TV at 2 in the morning…or by eating only whatever miracle food or diet pill is advertised on the same channel at the same time.
But there is some truth in that headline — if you take that one step, the right step, it will lead you to the next step…and then the next…and the next…and before you know it, your mirror will love you and your friends will hate you (not really…jealous yes, hate no).
Yesterday, we sent an e-mail asking you to call Live in Fitness to learn how we could help. If you did, that’s a great first step. If not, well, we can’t make you pick up the phone, so we’ll just have to tell you what we can do for you.
Contrary to that semi-fictitious headline, we take you through several steps, beginning with showing up at our resort facility. That’s probably a little scarier than making a phone call, but it’s really nothing to be afraid of — everyone here wants the best for you, other clients are in the same boat (or have been) and our staff is great at making you feel at home.
Although most people are as hesitant as they are hopeful. We’ve had a client that couldn’t walk up the four stairs leading to our front door, but now she’s 200 pounds lighter and playing basketball (and pretty much anything else she wants to do).
We had a woman who came in a wheelchair but is now playing golf…and not using a cart. Another client came in with a cane that he only uses now to beat off women (kidding…he doesn’t use the cane).
They were all nervous, hesitant, scared and skeptical, and now every one is lighter, happier and healthier.
So if not calling, showing up is the first step. Over the next several days, we’ll go through the next steps and show you how and why our program works. If you don’t want to wait to learn more, please call. We’d love to hear from you.
In the meantime, enjoy the free recipe and workout (just a taste of what you’ll be doing here).
By: Duke Christoffersen
Recipe Of The Day – Pesto Tilapia
Live In Fitness – Weight Loss Goals
If you’re inspired to take the first step towards transforming your life, reaching your fitness and weight loss goals, and unlocking the power of positive visualization, we’re here to help.
Contact us today to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s work together to turn your visions into reality. We’re ready to support you every step of the way.
Don’t wait for tomorrow—reach out now and let’s make your dream self a reality!