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Glynis Lost 6.5 Pounds and 10 Inches in Her First Week!!


Congratulations to Our Client of the Week, Glynis!

Glynis Lost 6.5 Pounds and 10 Inches in Her First Week  – Live In Fitness


I was very fortunate to find my soulmate on the back half of life. We had met online, went out for a date, and then I stuck him in the friend zone for a year! But, we really were the best friends anyone could ever imagine. 


Vince was kind, funny, handsome, and fun to be with! And that’s when I realized we were meant to be. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease that is 100% fatal. I was my husband’s full-time caregiver for the entire 13 months that he lived with ALS. 


As I made him high-calorie, high-fat foods to keep his weight up, I began to overdo it. Then, when he passed away, I turned to food for any sort of comfort. I stopped being active… I just stopped. But, then one day in January, something occurred to me. 


Many of my current friends who are battling this disease have lost the ability to move their muscles to eat food, or even breathe. And I thought how unfair it was to them that wanted to be healthy and I was throwing my own health away. I did my research online and found Live In Fitness


What made me choose LIFE was the emphasis on the aftercare and home plan. Most people can lose weight under strict supervision, but the challenge is the aftercare at home. So, on my 48th birthday, I booked my 2-week stay!


Where are you from?

I live 20 mins south of San Francisco on the coast, steps away from the ocean


What is your career?

I own my own dog-walking and pet-sitting business. However, due to the loss of Vince, I had to expand my business plan to include doggie daycare to make ends meet, ending my daily hikes and walks with my packs. And even though we still run around in daycare, the pups get the exercise and not me.


So the pounds kept coming. And the long hours of a pet sitter kept me going to fast foods. And the pounds kept coming!


What did you expect when coming here to LIF?

I expected the food to be terrible, the classes to be painful, and to feel a bit alone. NOT THE CASE! The food has been really yummy and filling. The classes have been hard but doable!


Never in a million years did I think I could basically do 2 hours of Abs and Core work, but I did! I find it amazing what the body can do in just one week after being beaten up for the past 3 years!


How do you feel about your progress so far?


I am so glad that my hard work has paid off! I know we all want instant gratification, but it doesn’t work that way, However, the small victories like losing 6 and a half pounds and 10 inches in the first week is a great victory!!!


What so far about the program has worked for you?

They make it very simple! Show up to class to work, sweat a ton, eat what they give you, and keep hydrated!


It’s simple! BUT BE PREPARED TO WORK HARD AND PUSH YOURSELF! Your coaches will be there for you, but only YOU can truly push yourself!


How has this changed your outlook on Life?


I’ve had a few a-ha moments this week. First if the body can change this quickly to be able to do all that we do here, imagine how long it must have fought to try and keep up with all the junk that I fed it and lack of motion. And the other came to me during a cardio class. 


I looked down at my watch and thought to myself, wow, I have been working out for 48 minutes!!! And then I realized that I had been doing that for the past 4 days but for 5-7 hours a day!!! I just burst into laughter!!


I really don’t have any more excuses as to why I can’t go to the gym or work at home! Just 48 mins and then some!


What advice would you give others contemplating attending the program?

Give yourself the gift of life and love for yourself! You have probably tended to others for a long time, this time is for you! And we all deserve it!!


What advice would you give to others?

My slogan has been: I’m here, I showed up and I’m ALIVE! My Motivation When I really need it in class, I think of all my ALS friends who would love to move their muscles and so that pushes me. So, I do this for them as well! I repeat to myself, I will not waste my muscles!!


Glynis Live In Fitness


You did an amazing job, Glynis! – Live In Fitness

The whole LIF team is so proud of you!!

Inspired by Glynis’s  remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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