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Fitness Retreat California


Fitness Retreat California

Let’s face it food is awesome! It tastes good, smells good, fuels our bodies, is something to enjoy with friends and family, and makes us happy when moments before we were cranky. It’s one of the purest joys in our lives, and there’s absolutely no reason to deprive yourself of it. 

In fact, it’s okay to love it. That’s right, I said it. There’s nothing wrong with loving food…as long as we understand that it can’t love you back it’s food.
It’s there to give us power, not make us powerless. It’s there to help us, not make us feel helpless. It’s there to serve us, but we are responsible for choosing the servings.
I don’t like to say there are certain hard fast rules you have to follow when it comes to food, because everyone enjoys food, especially different foods, in their own way.
Instead, I’ve created a group of principles you can use as a guide when you’re faced with making healthy (both physical and emotional) decisions. The first is the overarching thing to remember when it comes to food:

Nutrition Principle #1 – Food Is Fuel


Food is to your body what gas is to your car. The better the fuel, the better you perform…and without, you’re going nowhere. Food gives you power, not the other way around. When you start to feel powerless, take back the power and put it where it belongs…under your control. 

Burgers with My Boy One of the male bonding things I enjoy doing with my son is going to a local burger joint, sharing a meal, and talking.

Even though my son is only seven, he already understands that he has the power to enjoy food, any food, within balance. I know this sounds crazy, but he will often order a milkshake and drink only a quarter or a third of it.


One day, as we were leaving the restaurant, a woman stared at the table we’d just abandoned, where my son had left two-thirds of his burger and most of his shake.

She looked at me and said, “You’re going to let him waste it?” I smiled, nodded, and left the restaurant. 

The woman and her children were overweight, and I assumed they always finished every morsel of food. Just because we are often served ridiculous proportions of food, doesn’t mean we have to make the ridiculous decision to eat it all. 

And why worry about “waste” if all that extra food just goes to your waist…and your backside? If you’re really worried about wasting food, there are better solutions than eating what you don’t want or need. You can save it for later or take someone along and split a meal. 

I am not averse to throwing food away rather than eating when I don’t want any more. When I can, I have half of my meal boxed up before I start eating and give it to a homeless person sadly there are many, and they congregate hopefully outside restaurants in California.

If you’re from my generation, you’ve dealt with people, most likely parents or grandparents, telling you that leaving food on your plate is wasteful it’s not. If anything, it’s healthy and intelligent. 

My “wasted” meal isn’t going to feed some unfortunate child in some far-off country. It’s much better to discard food than contribute to the obesity crisis in the That’s where the real waste is…in quality of life for the unhealthy and uneducated, not to mention the millions upon millions of dollars spent annually on health care costs for treating cardiac disease, diabetes, and other serious health conditions.

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Chad lost 13.6 lbs in 1 week

I am 43 years old and from Dickinson Texas. I decided I had to come here when I realized

My 16-year-old son was watching me and I was not being a good role model. I also have not been able to go and watch baseball or football games with my son.

That is something I really want to be able to do again to where I can comfortably fit in the seats again.

I have been a police officer and have been assigned to work inside for the last several years as a supervisor which is when I became less active. As a career goal, I want to be proud to wear my uniform again as I was before all the weight loss.

I began sitting much more and then eating out 3 times a day from fast food restaurants. This became a vicious cycle for more the more I ate the less active I was and the less active I was the more I wanted to eat.

The feeling of being overwhelmed and frustrated became every day for me.

My family found this program. My goal was to lose as much weight as I could in the time that I’m here and so far I have started on a very good pace. I have been amazed at what I’m able to accomplish in short periods of time. 

The coaches are able to help you achieve Daiky goals that you otherwise would have a very difficult time doing. The food is amazing compared to what I thought I would be eating and the structure it has given me has helped tremendously. 

The way this is structured just makes everything work. I really like the teamwork environment and it works for me. Immediately all the coaches know who you are and always seem to be there to make sure you are going at your pace.

If you’re inspired to take the first step towards transforming your life, reaching your fitness and weight loss goals, and unlocking the power of positive visualization, we’re here to help.


Contact us today to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s work together to turn your visions into reality. We’re ready to support you every step of the way.


Don’t wait for tomorrow—reach out now and let’s make your dream self a reality!


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