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Emotional Health, A Must To Achieve Progress


Emotional Health, It’s Time! A Must To Achieve Progress 

By Quincy Martel, MA, Life Coach


Emotional health, much like physical health and wellness requires work, discipline, and practice.  Just imagine if someone didn’t take care of their grooming such as brushing hair or teeth and not showering…we’d be quick to take notice of an unkempt appearance.  


We may even confront the person, and or attempt to help them.  We recognize whether an individual takes care of their body, by looking at their shape and size. The physical is something that is outward and can be visually or apparent to the other senses.


On the other hand, emotional health is not visible even though it may become apparent over time. Emotional health is often neglected and many don’t pay attention to it. 


To have a better quality of life, mind, and body, it’s important to work on emotional health in conjunction with physical health. Here are some tools to help work out the limbic system and develop and improve emotional wellness.


It is important to protect and develop emotions and self-care by working on self-esteem.  Words have power and negative words may be weapons.  Self-esteem is affected by how we value and talk to ourselves  (internal dialogue) and the people with whom we surround ourselves…there’s an old saying misery loves company.  In the emotional world, negativity attracts and feeds off negativity.  It’s important to curb and catch self-criticism and negative self-talk.


The internal thought process and dialogue greatly affect the limbic system in the brain. Beliefs are based on thoughts.  It’s important to choose those thoughts wisely and keep them in check. 


Negative self-thoughts are negative self-beliefs that may affect self-esteem and self-worth.  Practice positive self-talk, affirmations, and surround yourself with positive supportive people. Just say “No.” 


Most people who are emotionally taxed do not know how to enforce boundaries within relationships.  It’s ok to say “no” and enforce healthy boundaries with family, friends, or coworkers. 


It may take practice, but setting healthy boundaries will reduce stress and resentment. Journal.  Active writing goal setting and journaling have emotional therapeutic value.  Thoughts become reality when pen meets paper.


Find peace.  Peace takes work…seems odd but true.  Peace takes an emotional discipline that will help the individual detoxify from failure, resentment, rejection, hurt, and pain. 


Letting go of emotional turmoil takes work, but hanging onto it is much harder and usually negatively impacts the individual’s behaviors and physical well-being.


Letting go and finding peace is a discipline that requires an individual to look at variables they may be able to control, and wisdom to discern the variables they cannot control.  Attempting to control things we cannot control like being stuck in traffic threatens the emotional health of an individual…stress.


Stretch more stress less.  Stress unless there is a bear in the woods…does the body harm.  Keep your emotional health in check by staving off stress through meditation, yoga, breath work, and prayer life. 


Find meaning and purpose in life.  Emotional health and wellness are tied to purpose and meaning.  A great man once told me the best way to help yourself is to help another. There is no time like now to take care of yourself by taking care of your emotional health.

Join the Class with Mayra Peñalosa in a Long Yoga session

Emotional Health

Join the Talk with Eric Viskovicz on Internal Dialogue

Internal Dialogue - Emotional Health

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