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“Stick with the winners!” says Client of the Week



Chris Live In Fitness

Live In Fitness – Chris


Chris lost 16 pounds and 10 inches in two weeks.
Chris is the Client of the Week for June 10th, 2017!!


He is in the process of preparing himself for life after retirement. He has seen what can happen once you get older and lose mobility and become unhealthy; He wants to get a head start and combat these obstacles head on! Chris wants to guarantee himself that he will be moving well into his retirement.

He got exactly was he expected; A room to stay, a controlled diet, and people to workout with.


Enthusiastic! he had a goal in mind of 15 lbs which he exceeded within his 2 week stay. He is currently down 16 lbs and 10 inches in 2 weeks!! Chris stated that he would have been happy with losing 13 lbs, but he reached and passed his goal.

Everything combined! The program paired with like minded people helped him strive for success.


“Stick with the winners!” Surround yourself with positive influences; people that lift your spirits and drive you to preform. He is shocked with those that skip class or go off program. He sees the value in participating and surrounds himself with like minded people. His advice is to stick with people that work the program.


Our program is unique as it is designed for the person who needs and wants to finally make that change.
We are not a spa! We are here for people who have an unrelenting pursuit of a goal.
We are a lot of work but worth it.

Sincerely, Eric

Inspired by Chris’s  remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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