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Congratulations Araceli For Losing 9.7 lbs in 1 Week!!


Araceli Live In Fitness


Congratulations to Araceli on dropping an amazing 9.7 lbs in one week at Live In Fitness!


Araceli lives in El Monte, California and is a business owner, overseeing and operating a Transformation Center. Araceli had attended the Live In Fitness Program back in December of 2017 and knew it was time to revisit and reset when she became discouraged that her weight plateaued and she was starting to sabotage her success by making unhealthy choices. 


To date, and since attending the LIF Program, Araceli has lost a total of 61.5 lbs and is determined and committed to staying on her personal journey of a healthier and happier lifestyle.


She chose Live In Fitness not once, but twice, so she could physically and emotionally remove herself from distractions, and temptations, and be able to focus on her health and fitness. She has always been her own worst self-critic and was ready to learn how to be her own biggest fan.


She liked the fact that this program, unlike others, held her accountable. The coaches and team are committed and know how to push each individual client to new heights and reach their full potential.


Flag football and weight training are among her favorite activities. She appreciates the support from the entire LIF Team, but in particular from Coach Blaine & Jay who encourage her daily to strive, hit, and surpass her goals.


The structure and many-faceted levels of the Live In Fitness Program allow her to solely focus on herself and her self-improvement.


The informative lectures, The LIF Plan, the comradely of fellow clients and staff members. 


By working on internal and external emotions, health and exercise, this allows her to be better in her profession, and more importantly, be there for the important people in her life.


When asked what advice would you give to others considering the LIF Program?


‘Go All In’ – Don’t treat this as a fad diet, but rather that this is a sustainable lifestyle change for life!


There is no secret to this journey we are all on. It’s hard work, which requires dedication and commitment. What you put into this is what you’ll get out. Don’t put off tomorrow, what you can do today.


Congratulations Araceli! You have set your sights on an end goal and have allowed no room to be derailed. Weight loss is a journey and a choice. You reached out for support when you needed it, which shows strength in your character. 


You should be proud of yourself and your actions. When Eric Viscovicz founded his company, he knew the bigger challenges were to come after the clients completed the program. For this reason, he created his Aftercare Program for continued support and accountability.


He also created FitClub Tv as a web portal for nutrition, exercise workouts, and planning for home.


We are so proud of your accomplishments! Ari, you are an inspiration to so many!! Final big ‘shout out’ from your Team Coaches, Blaine & J – The Warriors, and all the LIF Staff!

Inspired by Araceli’s  remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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