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how Andy lost 8 pounds IN A WEEK!

See how Andy lost 8 pounds in one week. Learn more now

I’d like to introduce to you Andy, client of the week, at Live in FitnessWith his hard work and dedication, he was able to lose eight pounds in a week.


Having meals that are intricately detailed to the macronutrient, to having a daily calorie burn goal to get him to lose a certain amount of fat each week, his body was able to release fat, healthily.


Andy came to Live in Fitness with a goal in mind and each day, he is closer to attaining it. This is Andy’s story.

Andy is a retired physical therapist from San Antonio, Texas. While many find this retreat in different forms, he found Live in Fitness by an online search.


“I went through different websites. I was looking for fitness retreats. This sounded physiologically sound. I wanted to see if that was true, and it was.


Since I was in the army, I wanted to make sure that it was like the environment I was in while serving. I wanted that structure.


It’s remarkable how he [Eric, president of Live in Fitness] treats us. He treats us like a mission instead of a business. He genuinely cares about the clients and not so much the profit.”

Andy is here as a result of a weight change due to age. While aging, he noticed some things weren’t quite the same as when he was younger,


“I felt like crap. I’m the kind that will do anything, anyway…but I hated that I couldn’t do it how I wanted to do things.


I wasn’t doing anything as comfortable as I should’ve been. Like, fluidity. Competently. Confidently doing the tasks I needed to do, and it just wasn’t working out for me.


The bottom line is that I was approaching a stage of life that I couldn’t do later. So, I had to make the decision that I was going to do it now. No more putting it off.”

He continues,


“My biggest struggle was consistency with a routine. I’m very ADHD. So, I wasn’t focused. It was my biggest battle. I didn’t have any trouble with eating control.


I would take the food home I didn’t eat while I was out. It was just the fact about going to the gym and building that consistency on the daily. That was my goliath.” 

Upon arrival, Andy did not know what to expect. But after a couple of days, his wishes came true,


“I didn’t know what to expect. Best way to put it. I was just hoping that it would be the way the website advertised it to me.


I wanted to learn a new lifestyle because I can’t live here at Live in Fitness, so I wanted to learn how for myself.


I wanted to get excited about having a healthier lifestyle because it has such a bad connotation. My expectations now…my dreams came true.


How to achieve consistency and to learn this better, healthier lifestyle.


I learned that it can be exciting, and I can be happy with this lifestyle. I learned that it doesn’t have to be negative. My mindset changed.”

See how Andy lost 8 pounds in one week. Learn more now

Andy is delighted about the progress he’s worked hard for,


“I’m very pleased. I feel my balance is better. I feel that my endurance is better. I feel lighter on my feet. My ultimate fitness goal is to be below 20% body fat and be able to do continuous 30-minute cardiac exercise.


Eric says he’d like every male to be below 15%, with my age, I’d be happy to be under 20%.” 

When asked about his opinion on Eric’s philosophies towards fitness and coaching, Andy could not agree more,


“It’s right on. As a physical therapist, when I first heard him talking, he’s as he’s advertised on the website. It contradicts the sale gimmicks that we hear. But it’s right on, it’s truthful.” 

Andy shares some things that he has enjoyed about the program,


“Unrelenting positive attitude from the staff. Incredibly, the food tastes great with what Chef Jason is allowed to give us.


My favorite class is weightlifting. The creativity in how the classes are varied.


My favorite chef dishes have been the breakfast sandwich, Taco Tuesday, and pizza.” 

As a lasting word of advice and motivation for those who are still contemplating the program, Andy shares a word of wisdom,


“Don’t let anybody stop you. Life is more important than any dollar. Because, honestly, that’s the frightening part when you look at this program.


The dollar signs. But don’t let that deter you from making the best decision you absolutely can.”

Inspired by Andy’s remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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