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6 Food Tricks That Set Back Your Weight-Loss Goal



Live In Fitness – Weight Loss Goal

6 Food Tricks That Set Back Your Weight Loss Goal

Have you ever had that great plan where you commit to eating healthy, to the point of having all your meals prepped…even planning your diet before leaving the house for your favorite restaurant?
Then bam! You find, without even being conscious of it, you’ve fallen off the healthy-eating and exercise wagon and had to start all over? This happened to me almost daily, so I had to figure out where and when it happened and take steps to ensure that it wouldn’t happen again.
At Live In Fitness, our nutrition counselors teach that restaurants and grocery stores launch instant purchase and promotional strategies all the time, to get you to spend more. They could care less about your health — they care about your pocketbook.
Here are some food tricks that they use to set back your best-laid diet plans and how you can take advantage of them in your favor.
First Trick – It’s Free!
How many times do you eat food, sample products, or take another helping at the meeting all because it is readily available and FREE? It’s not free. Studies show that you can pack almost 600 additional calories a day from wasteful eating.
Before you eat anything else because it is there, ask yourself, if I had to pay for this right now would I eat it? Answering a resounding “NO!” will help keep your diet plan and your weight-loss goals on track.
Second Trick – We Want To Be Polite!
Have you been to that dinner party, or family gathering where you felt compelled to eat what was offered? Or maybe you received a dish from a neighbor that you “couldn’t refuse,” because it would be impolite? Being polite can mean 400 additional calories, only because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
There’s a solution. Before you attend your next event, let the host know in advance that you watching your calories so there may be a few things that you will skip on the table.
If a neighbor or friend gives you something, give it away or throw it away. My grandmother used to always tell me, “It’s better to waste food than to buy medicine.”
Third Trick – Don’t Want To Waste
We have all heard that one of the worst things to do is waste food, because there are so many hungry people in the world, or maybe because it’s a waste of money to waste food. In either case, see Grandma’s advice above.
If you don’t heed her advice, you will eat more than 1000 unnecessary calories because you feel guilty about wasting food.
So before you eat your next meal, break it in half and save the rest for another meal. The next time you go out, order smaller portions. If your body is still hungry it will tell you.
Fourth Trick – It’s A Celebration 
Most people, myself included, stumble over this one monthly. Why? Because (especially in America) there is a national holiday (a.k.a. excuse) almost every month!
People think that a celebration or holiday is a valid excuse to break the rules. They think that one day won’t matter and don’t realize one piece of bread with butter can pack about 100 calories.
Before you go out or to an event, plan your meal. Know where you are going to splurge, and how much, and have a plan to burn it off. Also, pick one thing. You don’t need to have the appetizer and the dessert. Remind yourself that you will always have another holiday to indulge again.
Fifth Trick – But It’s a Bargain
I know when I was growing up it was drilled into me to go for the bargain. I don’t care if it was extra toilet tissue or the super-sized fries. Who can resist? But an extra 16 ounces of fries can constitute an extra 250 calories.
Also if have more food around you, you’re more likely to nibble longer. Before you are tempted to purchase the larger but cheaper option, keep in mind: “Pay Less and Weigh Less.” Make this your motto. If you pick smaller portions as a pattern, you will get great cost savings over time.
Sixth Trick – I Deserve It
How many times do we make emotional decisions and completely disregard our goals because “we deserve it”? Unfortunately, a lot. Yes, it’s tempting to allow food to be our comfort, support, and reward system, but eating emotionally is sure to not be in line with your plan and goals and will always derail your weight-loss success.
So before you are tempted to gorge on your next meal, stop and ask yourself some logical questions: Why do I want it? What need is this fulfilling? Is there a better way to reward myself or feel better that falls in line with my plan and goals? You will find an answer.
Here are a few replacement ideas: Spend time with friends, go out on a sexy date, rearrange your house, etc. …I’m sure you can think of a lot more, but first, you have to take the emotion out of it, and make good choices — the reward will be great!
By: Alenise

If you’re inspired to take the first step towards transforming your life, reaching your fitness and weight loss goals, and unlocking the power of positive visualization, we’re here to help.


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